Monday, December 3, 2012

Steak yakitori

This might not be the best in town but at least I got the taste and texture right.

What you need:
- New york steak 1 lbs

For marinating sauce, each skewer will use different sauce.
- Soy sauce
- Wasabi (I used a wasabi in a tube)
- Miso paste
- Hawaiian BBQ sauce
- Teriyaki
- Ponzu
- Curry powder + salt
- Garlic + Pepper + Soy sauce

See picture for some brands I use below:
p.s. the apricot jar is actually a hawaiian sauce I got from my friend :D

Start with getting a meat ready by cutting it into a strip shape thick enough to put on a skewer. I usually cut across so each stick will get both skin/ fat/ meat part.

Make sure the meat is thick enough to stay on the stick.

Start putting the sauce of your choice into the skewer. You can do multiple sticks at a time if you like.

Wrap the meat and let it marinate for at least 2-3 hours. I label all of them so I know which is which. After the meat are well marinated, unwrap them and try to dry off any excessive sauce to make sure it's just damp and not soaking wet otherwise the sauce could burn. 

Now it's time to cook. Preheat the broiler for 5 minutes with the empty broiler pan inside. Open the oven, put the sticks on the pan then back into the oven. Let each side cook for only 1 minutes then flip the other side. If you like, prepare the veggie of your choice like in the pic below.

When it's done, arrange on a plate nicely and avoid stacking different flavors together. OMG YUM!!!

Shoyu Ramen

Preparation time : aprox 3 - 4 hours

Ok, I need to admit that I never made a successful soup noodle before. But somehow this dish came out much better that I expected.

Ingredients are

-Ramen noodle. I used fresh noodle so it's more chewy.
- 1lb Pork belly
- 1 Green onion
- 4 cloves of Garlic
- Ginger
- 1 sheet of dry seaweed
- 2 cups of Chicken Broth
- 1 cup of water
- 1/4 cup Soy sauce for braised pork another 1/4 for soup (I used Kikkoman)
- 1/4 cup of Mirin
- Sugar/ Splenda
- 1 or 2 Egg(s)
- Cabbage (optional)

There are 2 parts for this dish: Braised pork belly and Shoyu soup.

Brailed pork belly:

Before you start, if you want, you can remove the skin and scrape out the fat to be used for a soup.

- Mix garlic, ginger (about 4 big slices), 1/4 cup of soy sauce, Mirin, and probably 2 table spoon of sugar. Add 1 cup of hot water and mix together, then put the pork into the mixture. Make sure the pork are at least 3/4 submerge.
- Preheat the oven to 275F. Close the pork bowl and let it sit in the oven for 3 -4 hours. Turn the pork over probably every hour.

                  Pork is ready

The meat should be very tender.

 Shoyu soup:
- Mix 1/4 soy sauce, 2 cups of broth, 1 cup of water in a pot. Also as an option, you can breaks all the fat from the pork and mix into this soup. Heat until it boils and put on warm heat.

adding pork fat in here

Now to get a nice boiled egg with runny yolk, put the egg into the pot on high heat. When the water start boiling, leave it there for another 5 - 6 minutes then remove the egg and cool down with cold water.

Assuming the pork is ready, boil the noodle for 2 minutes, veggies for 1 minute then put everything in to the bowl and finish with a Shoyu soup. Top with sesame seeds, chopped green onion and seaweed if you like.

and then we are done. OMG YUM!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Korean Spicy BBQ Pork (Pork bulgogi)

This is my first time making a korean BBQ bulgogi. One of my favorite korean dishes that I always order whenever we go to a korean restaurants. It's easier to make than I thought especially when you can just get a marinating sauce from a Korean supermarket.

What you need:
- Bulgogi sauce (to marinate the meat unless you want to make the sauce yourself)
- White onion
- 1lbs pork (I am using loin part)
- Green onion (optional)
- Sesame seed (optional)
- Mushroom (optional)

You start of by slicing the pork to thin layers (you can also buy the pre-sliced ones).

Then marinate them with the sauce for 1 - 8 hour.

Here's the sauce I am using.

 Chop onions and mushroom like in the picture below.

On high heat, put some vegetable oil or sesame oil and marinated pork. Let it sit until cooked through. If you like, add little sugar in.

Put in mushroom and onion, stir and let it cook on high heat until the pork started to burn on the side. Make sure not to cook onion too much coz it'll become saggy.

This is ready.

Here you can top with sesame seed and chopped green onion... and we are done. OMG YUM!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Support your app for iPhone5 under xcode 4.5

I have just finished updating Cirqulous for iPhone 5 screen resolution. Probably spent 90% of my time on the build configuration issues rather than the actual code changes.

With new Xcode 4.5, I kept getting error regarding armv6 architecture must be included. I then made sure it was there in the build settings. However, after searching around it turned out that xcode4.5 removed armv6 completely and only let you use armv7 and armv7s (for iPhone5?)

Now scratching my head, and spent a couple hours on the settings then I realized that my app was set to still support iOS3.1 but xcode4.5 now support iOS4.3 as minimum.  If you need to develop an app for iPhone 5, you have to use xcode4.5+ which means you can't have an app that can still be compatible back to iOS3.1?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cirqulous is now available in App store!!

Today we released Cirqulous and Cirqulous plus in the app store. We had been working hard in the last 4 months to push this out the door. Thanks everyone who help shaping up the game.

Check this out at

Available for iPhone/ iPad/ iPod touch

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Honey Walnut Shrimp

The next dish of today is a Honey Walnut Shrimp. Well I don't have all the ingredient though e.g. missing honey :) but it still taste good.

This is what I have"
- Peeled medium-size shrimp.
- Mayonnaise
- Sugar (better with honey)
- walnuts
- Brown sugar
- Egg
- Corn starch

You first wanna prepare walnuts by coating them with sugar. All you need is melting brow sugar on a pan.

Once it melt, put in the walnuts and coat them with the sugar. Let it cool down.

Next step is to prepare the shrimp. Coat the shrimps with egg, and coat them with corn starch.

Now put the shrimp into high heat deep fryer for 3 minutes.

In the mean time, we will prepare a sauce for the shrimp. Pour mayonnaise, a tiny bit of heavy cream, sugar, and tiny bit of salt and mix them altogether.

Now when the shrimps are ready, put them into the bowl of mixture and mix together. Remember the walnuts? Now it's time to dump them in to the bowl as well and mix them well.

Finished... OMG YUM!!!!

Garlic Pepper Pork

Okay, it's been a while that I haven't updated this blog. Been busy with  a few projects and other changes. Anyway, this dish is probably one of the easiest dish to make.

Here's what you'll need:
- Garlic (of course)
- Pepper (of course)
- sliced pork

- Dark soy sauce (optional)
- Oyster sauce (optional)
- Fish or soy sauce
- Sugar
- Pan
- Kitchen :)

To make this dish, first add garlic into the pan with medium heat. Let it sit until golden brown.

Dump all the pork and Oyster sauce. 

Now if you want the pork to be a bit darker, you can add dark soy sauce here (very tiny bit), and stir until cooked.

Add Pepper and stir a bit then we are done. OMG YUM!

Friday, July 27, 2012

เมี่ยงคำ ( Leaf-Wrapped Bite-Size Appetizer )

เมี่ยงคำ ( Leaf-Wrapped Bite-Size Appetizer )

Today we are going to make a healthy appetizer. It's the first time I am making this kind of dish, so it's gonna be exciting.

The ingredients which are
- Palm sugar
- Shallot
- Lime
- Ginger
- Fish sauce
- Coconut flake
- Dried shrimp
- Shrimp paste (กะปิ)
- Betel leaves
- Peanuts
- Coconut flakes
- Chillies

If you can't find Betel leaves, you can substitute with lettuce leaves.

Next we dump Palm sugar (1 cup) into a pool of fish sauce (1/4 cup) on a medium heat.
Stir slowly until all the sugar melt.

Next, smash ginger/ dried shrimp/ lemon grass/ shallot together and put into the pot. You can also put shrimp paste into the mix as well. Dont' put too much though or it'll stink.

and it'll look like this..

Now we need to use coconut flakes. Just toss into the pan with LOW heat. keep stirring until brown or a bit dark..

Then slice lime with the whole skin,  ginger into cubes, shallot into cubes and arrange on the dish beautifully!

We are done. It's time to eat. Just wrap everything together with betel leave and top with the sauce.  OMGYUM!