Thursday, September 20, 2012

Support your app for iPhone5 under xcode 4.5

I have just finished updating Cirqulous for iPhone 5 screen resolution. Probably spent 90% of my time on the build configuration issues rather than the actual code changes.

With new Xcode 4.5, I kept getting error regarding armv6 architecture must be included. I then made sure it was there in the build settings. However, after searching around it turned out that xcode4.5 removed armv6 completely and only let you use armv7 and armv7s (for iPhone5?)

Now scratching my head, and spent a couple hours on the settings then I realized that my app was set to still support iOS3.1 but xcode4.5 now support iOS4.3 as minimum.  If you need to develop an app for iPhone 5, you have to use xcode4.5+ which means you can't have an app that can still be compatible back to iOS3.1?

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