Friday, June 8, 2012

6.5M LinkedIn Password Leaked!!

I just got an email from LinkedIn that my account may have been compromised. Looked up online that found a few posts related to this incident.

You can use this site to check if your password is hacked,

If so, change the password promptly.  LinkedIn probably would have reset your password already, so all you need to do is just verify an email and use a new one.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pan fried Thai basil shrimp

Today I'll be making Thai basil shrimp dish. Since it takes longer time than any 4-minute-high-heat-and-ready-to-eat frozen food, I usually make this kind of dish for dinner or the weekend.

Anyway let's start with the ingredients. I won't put the quantity down so it depends on how much you like.
1. Shrimp (recommend with head since that's where the flavor comes from --its brain)
2. Thai/ Hot/ Holy Basil. Make sure you're NOT using Italian Basil or you will ruin your meal for EVER.
3. Garlic
4. Fish Sauce
5. Shrimp paste
6. Sugar (sweetener is used in this preparation)

Peel off the shrimp and leave the head intact. Clean the shrimp well.

Chop the garlic and prepare the basil leaves. When you get everything ready, it's time for an actual cooking.

Turn on medium heat and put some vegetable oil on a pan. Follow by chopped garlic. Keep stirring until they are start sizzling, then leave it for a minute I think. Make sure you don't over cook it since it will continue cooking when we put other stuffs on.

Dig out one BIG table spoon of the shrimp paste from the jar. Dump onto the pan and stir.

Stir.. Stir..Stir...

When they mix together, put all the shrimp you got. Still on medium heat. Stir SLOWLY each side to make sure they are cook thoroughly. If you stir too fast, you're risking ripping off the shrimp heads from their bodies.  If it's too dry, put some water in a bit.

Then a magic at this point. I don't know how to measure this but I just squeeze the fish sauce in. Probably one table spoon.

Then dust them with sugar (or sweetener) just a bit like in the picture.

Stir again SLOWLY, and keep tasting. You can add more sugar / fish sauce as you like. Btw, make sure the shrimps are cooked before you start tasting it or you might get sick.

When you get a taste you like, turn off the heat and top with basil leaves. Keep stirring a bit.

Here is what you should get as a final product. If it doesn't look like this, just redo everything again.

Enjoy on top of a hot steamy jasmine rice. OMG YUM!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Puff Pastry - Linguine - Khao Soi

Here are new sets of frozen food I got from Trader Joe's.

Starting with Puff Pastry Pizza.

and here after you bake it at 400F for 5 minutes. I put on the wooden board so that the moisture doesn't build up underneath and keep it stay crunchy for a bit longer. Cut it in 4 pieces and YUM.

Next in line is linguine with clam sauce. 

Put those noodle and frozen clam sauce (included in the package) with 2 tablespoon of water. High heat and cover it for 2 minutes. Then the noodle should be soft by now.

Open the lid, stir a bit and you can add chopped mushroom and olive. The original sauce is kinda mild so the olive will give more flavor to it. Reduce the heat to medium. Stir until the sauce gets thick, add a bit of water if it's too dry.

and here we get the one ready to serve.

 I also put the imitated crab just for variety.

and our last dish today is a Thai Kao SOI.

Straight from the fridge, stuff into the microwave and twist the knob (or press the button) to high heat for 4-5 minutes. Oh wait, punch a few holes first and make sure you keep the little separate box that comes with it. 

Once microwave buzz, just remove the wrap and open that tiny box will you find a crispy noodle!!!  Put those on top, stir a bit and it's ready to eat.  This is a vegetarian dish (you can tell from the box). Kao in Thai means rice, but Kao SOI = Noodle?? god knows why.

Sorry I should have cleaned up the mess. Yet still taste good.. kinda sweet like peanut butter. Sort of.

Groupon settlement

I just happened to be checking my junk mails and found the email regarding Groupon lawsuit. Basically if you bought Groupon voucher between Nov 1, 2008 - Dec 1,2011 and hadn't redeem it and it expired. You can file a claim to get a voucher back to the face value.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


First in our Cook-It-Yourself (CIY) series. Here's a frozen Gyoza from Ajinomoto. It's very easy to make and tastes just like what you would normally get from a restaurant.

First of all, take out frozen gyoza and put on the pan with 2 table spoons of water. Turn on medium to high heat and cover with a lid. A lid is to make sure the gyoza is heated thoroughly. Leave it on for 2 -3 minutes. The water should boil off at this point.

Next just remove the lid, turn down the heat to medium and you can put one table spoon of vegetable oil. Keep flipping until they are brown on all sides.  If you like it crispy, just leave it on a bit longer as long as it doesn't burn :)

Finally, arrange them NICELY and if possible on JAPANESE style dish so that you feel the authenticity. Serve with Ponzu sauce. I don't really have any recommendation for the sauce brands so I just go with the cheapest ponzu sauce I could find from the market. The one in the picture taste really good so you may get the same one.

That's it. I'll blog more about other dishes. Happy eating!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Car accident

Can't believe this is a story of my first blog ever. My car just got scratched today!!! This is not a good way to start your weekend.

It's probably one of my bad days as I always park inside a company's parking structure but this morning there was a big truck blocking the entrance so I had to park outside, and dang... here's what happened.  Luckily the lady who caused a damage left a note and phone number otherwise I would be super pissed.